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AWARD-WINNING AUTHOR SHERRY SHAHAN visits schools and libraries with a visual presentation featuring Alaska-based MG adventure/survival novel FROZEN STIFF (Battle of the Books). Her program shows her at work in Alaska as a travel journalist and photographer. Her MG novels were inspired by years of personal experiences in the untamed wilderness.
EMAIL CONTACT: kidbooks@thegrid.net
ATTENTION TEACHERS! Link to lesson plans for DEATH MOUNTAIN: DEATH MOUNTAIN Grade 6 Reading Character Analysis and Plot Development: Project Based Learning: California Educators Together (caeducatorstogether.org)
EMAIL CONTACT: kidbooks@thegrid.net


Alaska Author Pic


EMAIL: Kidbooks@thegrid.net

SHERRY SHAHAN travels the world as a journalist and photographer! Her adventures have put her inside a dogsled for the world-famous 1,049-mile Iditarod Trail Dog Race in Alaska. She has hiked a leech-infested rain forest in Australia, snorkeled with penguins in the Galapagos, and ridden horseback in Africa.


She once stayed with a family of dog mushers in Alaska!


SHERRY loves to share her adventures at schools and libraries. Her interactive visual presentation features award-winning Battle-of-the-Books (Gr. 4-6) adventure FROZEN STIFF (Random House) and Battle-of-the-Books (Gr. 6-8) DEATH MOUNTAIN (Peachtree Pub.)


Students are fascinated to learn how SHERRY transforms her personal experiences into novels for young readers. FROZEN STIFF (kayaking in the remote Alaskan Wilderness), ICE ISLAND (visiting an isolated island off the coast of Nome, AK), and DEATH MOUNTAIN (being caught in a deadly electrical storm in the Sierra Nevada Range, California).  



 Email Sherry: kidbooks@thegrid.net